Friday 3 March 2017

Newsletter 03.03.17

This week the children were introduced to our new Talk 4 Writing book - The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Over the next few weeks we will unpick the story further, develop some actions to support the children's retell and then use the story as a frame for our own "Very Hungry_____ " stories.  If you are unfamiliar with the story, the animated version can be found below.


The children were very excited to welcome some fish to our F2 class on Monday.  This has led to a lot of discussion about what we need to do to care for them.  Sadly one died midweek, however this again provided the children with a valuable learning opportunity.  F2 now have a better understanding about what it means to be responsible for the care of a living creature.

Andy kindly brought in a centipede for us to look at.  We talked about how we look with our eyes, (not with our hands) and we noticed that it had a lot of wriggly legs. We think all those legs must mean it will run extra fast! If anyone has a garden and happens to find caterpillars, we'd LOVE to look at them in class too.  The children watched a short clip of a caterpillar's amazing metamorphosis into a butterfly. They were stunned into complete silence! :-)

A listening station has been set up in class this week, the children have enjoyed using it to listen to short stories and songs.  As only two children can listen at a time, this has been a great opportunity for the children to practise turn-taking.

The children are developing their number recognition. This week they enjoyed bedazzling giant numbers to be displayed in class.  Children also practised counting caterpillars onto a numbered leaf.  Remember parents, supporting your child's developing Numeracy skills is a breeze at home, anything can be counted; slices of banana, the number of chairs around your dining room table, toothbrushes in your bathroom, steps to bed or jumps down the hallway.  And don't forget to help draw your child's attention to numerals and shapes they see in their daily life; on the mail box, car number plate, front door, in the elevator or on the tv remote control. We are teaching the children to become aware and interested in Maths in their environment.

During our carpet sessions this week, we have been talking about using our indoor voices while playing in the classroom. The children are learning that by using an indoor voice they are being respectful of their friends and their learning space.
Trong bài học tuần này. Chúng tôi nói chuyện với nhau bằng giọng nói nhỏ nhẹ trong lúc chơi ở lớp, và các bé cũng học được cách nói nhỏ nhẹ khi các bé cùng chơi với các bạn.

Outside we have been...


WANTED - Clean empty cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, egg cartons, yoghurt containers etc that the children could use for junk modelling (building projects at school).

TX school fête is back this Saturday, March 4th, from 9am to 1pm with an exciting program :

music, singing and performance featuring TX students, parents and Mr Jon
crafts and games stalls
Raffle draw with unbelievable prizes 
Costume contest (dress up in who or what you want, but surprised us) 
and delicious food 

Tokens for activities/games/food : 10 000 VND  
Raflle ticket : 20 000 VND

All proceeds will  go to the community service partners. 

Bring your family and friends this Saturday for another great time at TX !!!

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