Friday 28 April 2017

Newsletter 28.04.17

Welcome to F2 Andy Lam, JaeHwan and Minh Nhat!  It's always exciting to have new friends join our learning adventure, we hope you feel at home in F2!

This week the children have continued to enjoy Yoga in the soft play room and are developing their awareness of people and objects around them, trying to manage obstacles.  Please support us with the 'mindfulness' aspect of this at home; helping the children to be aware of others around them and how to share spaces, moving around each other.

Outside the children have been busy with construction related play in the sandpit and have been learning about shapes.  We have been spotting shapes all over the school and some children are learning to draw simple (and some more complex shapes) with good accuracy. During our sessions in the Big Playground we are continuing to develop throwing, catching, climbing and balancing skills as well as following simple instructions, for large group games.

We have been tuning our ears in to the sounds we hear, we started with sounds bingo at the listening station.  Then outside we noticed horns beeping, water running, children laughing, and fans humming. This is the beginning of Phase 1 phonics in which the children will develop their sound discrimination skills; listening, remembering what they hear, and talking about sounds to develop and extend vocabulary and language comprehension. Mr Jon also supported us with this in music, the children had to listen to the instrument being played then identify it (within a group of instruments).  The children enjoyed having the opportunity to play several different percussion instruments too.

Both in and out of the classroom the children have been busy mark-making, using a wide range of tools. This week we have introduced mark-making focus groups, based on our observations and assessments.  These groups will support the children to develop key literacy skills based on individual needs. This week we have been paying particular attention to pencil grip.

The children are making great progress with number and shapes.  We are beginning to look at positional language 'after' 'before' and 'inbetween' and are enjoying creating (and solving) number problems.


Long weekend - Please note school will resume on Wednesday 3rd May.  Have a great long weekend!

Library - Each week we have a large number of children who are unable to choose a new book.  PLEASE return Library books by Wednesday.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Newsletter 21.04.2017

It has been a wonderful first week of Term 3!  The children have come back refreshed and full of chatter about their holidays! 

As you know, Term 3 is an important term in which we prepare the children for the next academic year. We aim to support our children so they feel as secure and happy as possible as they transition into F3. Our focus this term is to prepare the children for the use of the big pool, lunch in the canteen and phonics sessions. In the coming weeks, more detailed information will be given to you through a letter about Transition to F3. 

Physical Development

This week, every child had the opportunity to use a bike or trike, the Supernova or the climbing frame in the big playground.  In the splash pool, the children are becoming more and more confident in the water. They enjoy doing races and finding toys underwater. 

Afternoon focus groups

This term, we kick started with our letters and sounds sessions. For this week, we focused on Phase 1- Aspect 1  of letters and sounds which aims to raise children's awareness of the sounds around them and develop their listening skills. Some of the activities we did this week include a listening walk and comparing sounds. The children were brilliant at using their listening ears.

Other actvities

We have been doing 15-minute yoga sessions in the soft play room. The aim of our yoga sessions is  provide the children with a calm atmosphere where they can relax, enhance their coordination and be more aware of their body movements. We are very pleased with our F2s as they have been so good at following instructions and copying the different poses. Please see below the attached poster of Yoga poses 'ABC's of Yoga'. Here is also the link to the music we have been playing for our yoga sessions.
Only Time by Enya:

How you can help at home
We have been practising to hold a pencil properly and use it with good control.
Tracing simple patterns would be a good activity at home. 
Please see the samples below:

-As you will have noticed, it is very hot and sunny.  All children must wear a hat in order to play outside.  Please check with your nannies/relatives that one is placed in your child's bag everyday.

-Mondays and Thursdays are swimming days. Please bring in your child's swimming kit. 

Library books
Please bring your child's Library book every Wednesday. Children get very sad when they don't get to choose a book to bring home. 

Funky Fingers Coffee Morning, please see the poster below.

Change to our email addresses:
Please do not hesitate to email any of us if you have questions.
Ms Precious-
Ms Sara-
Ms Claudine-

Have a lovely weekend, 
Ms Precious