Friday 26 May 2017

Newsletter 26.05.17

In F2 this week there has been a lot of dressing up and exciting fairytale role-play. "If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be very intelligent, read them more fairy tales." It's hard to argue with Albert Einstein! So the teachers have been reading a lot of stories, further fostering this budding interest. We will be having a dress up day on Tuesday too (see poster attached).

In Literacy this week the children have been building on their understanding and retell of The Gingerbread Man.  Using masks, the children have acted out the story.  With some reminding they were able to remember the refrains. Next week we will be drawing our story maps, ready to retell The Gingerbread Man with increasing independence and expression. Our end goal is to make some alterations and adapt the story to make it our own.

The children also made their own gingerbread people cookies and wondered whether they would run away.  Just to make sure they didn't, many children ate the legs first! The children also added their own unique facial expressions and buttons to their cookies using 'icing pens'.

For a simple Cookie cutter recipe we used -

200g softened butter
1/2 c sugar
2 c flour
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp ginger powder

In preparation for our up and coming EYFS show, the children have started making decorations - gingerbread men decorations ofcourse! Many of the children were challenged using scissors to cut out their shapes but persevered, adding smaller shapes to create expressive faces and fancy buttons. You can admire them hanging in the F2 classroom. We also enjoyed a gingerbread man maths game.

On Thursday MP1 invited us to watch the dress rehearsal of their show The Goblin Next Door. The stage and costumes looked fabulous, bright and exciting.  We were very impressed with the sensational singing and confidence of the children. It will be our turn on stage soon enough!

F2 enjoyed taking a close look at some tadpoles Ms Sara found.  We watched a short time lapse video of the amazing transformation that tadpoles go through to become frogs.  The children also found a dead dragon fly outside that we carefully put into a bug catcher to get a better look at. If you find anything interesting during your weekend adventures, we'd love have a look at school.

Have a great weekend!


Dress Up on Tuesday 30th May -

Library - Please return Library books to school on Tuesday and put them in the basket outside the classroom.

Saturday 20 May 2017

Newsletter 19.05.2017

What we have been doing this week:

The Gingerbread Man
This week, we've introduced The Gingerbread Man story to our F2s. They showed brilliant listening and by the end of the week some of them have independently been repeating key phrases from the story. In one of our carpet sessions, the children decorated their own gingerbread man and also practised their cutting skills. 

In the role-play area this week, the children loved dressing up as witches and princesses. They have particularly enjoyed playing the role of little red riding hood and the witch from the movie Rapunzel. Some have also enjoyed making potions in our messy play area! They loved mixing slime, coffee beans and petals!

Spinner making
Ms Sara's amazing creation got the children excited on Wednesday. She taught the children how to make a spinner using just scissors and straws. Lots of children showed patience and perseverence as they try to make it work.

Big playground fun
On Monday, the children engaged in a walking, jumping, hopping, skipping and running race in the big playground. They were very competitive but at the same time, they enjoyed doing it with their friends. The children showed great listening and were able to follow simple instructions. 

What's the Time Mr Worlf
We have been learning some games in the soft play room, foyer and classroom. This week, the children practised What's the Time Mr Wolf in the big playground. They had a go at counting from 1-10 and were all very excited to be chased by Mr Wolf!

On Tuesday, we had a special visitor at TX. Mr Ben, a bassoonist from Julliard played amazing music in front of our F1's and F2's, It was a memorable one as it was the first time for all of us to see a real bassoon!

Enjoy the photos below and have a lovely weekend!
Ms Precious

Friday 12 May 2017

Newsletter 12.05.17

The F2 children have enjoyed revamping their role play area this week. With Ms Y's help they created lovely brick walls, and added some different furniture. The children have thoroughly enjoying breaking in this new space and we are hearing a lot of great conversations, based largely on the children's own experiences of home life and holidays.

In the soft play room and big playground we have been learning about positional language. We used the parachute to explore the concept of 'on' and 'under' (it is a common mistake for the children to say 'in' when they mean 'on'). Some of the children are learning to explain more complex ideas using baskets and a ball - inside, beside, next to, in between, in front of and behind.
We have been reinforcing some core PD skills such as walking up and down stairs using alternate feet, using gross motor movements to draw large circles and lines and reminding children to sit with their legs at the front, both on the carpet and in their play.
Many children sit with their legs in the 'W' position (see photo). But we are trying to break this habit because 'W' sitting increases the risk of the child’s hip and leg muscles becoming short and tight which can then negatively affect their coordination, balance, and the development of gross motor skills down the road.

There are several other developmental reasons we discourage 'W' sitting including; developing core upper body muscles, the ability to shift weight from one side to the other and the ability to rotate the upper body.
  You can help at home by reminding your child to move their legs to the front. 

Our construction area has been a hive of activity as the children practice taking turns with the large construction vehicles; diggers, dump trucks and bulldozers. We are noticing a marked improvement in the children's turn-taking abilities both waiting for a turn and giving up a toy to let others have a turn.

The children have enjoyed the book 'Duck in the Truck' this week and have been using the using the box 'trucks' to recreate elements of the story as well as attending to a few emergencies and taking friends away on holidays. With support the children are learning to hear and recognise rhyme and alliteration. We will continue with this over the rest of the term. Our next Literacy focus is looking at traditional tales, which ties in nicely with the up and coming EYFS show.

The children have enjoyed another shapes focus this week as we use shapes for creative activities tying into some of our PSED goals. Most children are now able to identify and name different shapes in the environment as well. Using the different shapes to make faces - happy, sad, surprised and cross we talked about our own feelings. We encourage the children to talk about how they are feeling and let them know that there is no such thing as a bad emotion, it's ok to feel cross or sad.

During snack on Thursday afternoon, the children undertook a wee perseverance challenge - to peel a hard boiled egg.  Encouraging your child to persist when faced with a challenge (whether it's putting on their socks, completing a puzzle, finishing a board game or peeling an egg) is an essential skill to foster. The children were so proud of themselves, even if their eggs weren't quite perfect :-)

We finished off the week with a bit of Friday schnanagins - learning an exciting new song about a family of sharks with Ms Precious.  Check it out!


Late Slips - Please be reminded that we take our register at 8.15am. If you arrive after 8.15am please collect a late slip from the office so they know to update our class register. This is important for safeguarding the children in case of an unforeseen emergency or a scheduled fire / lock down drill.

Library - Please return library books on Tuesday so your child can choose a new story during our Library session.

Sleeping at school - We have noticed a number of children are not falling asleep during rest time, or are taking a long time to fall asleep.  If you'd like to discuss your child's sleeping or stop their nap time please talk to a teacher after school or drop us an email.

Monday 8 May 2017

French Cafe

Notice from year 6 - 

There will be a French Café this Thursday after school from 2.15-3.15ish. Everyone is welcome: kids, parents, teachers, etc. So please bring your bestest French and come and support year 6 by purchasing a crepe or two, or some delicious milkshakes a la banane :-) There will also be ham and cheese sandwiches and lemonade.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Newslettter 5.5.2017

Dear parents, 

We hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!  The children came back with lots of holiday stories and we always enjoy listening to them. Although it's only been a three day week, it's been a busy one.  Here's what we've been up to:

We have been focusing on mark making.  This has included supporting the children to hold a pencil using a tripod grip and tracing patterns such as lines, circles and zig zags to support pencil control. Some children have expressed an interest in writing their names so they have been practising some letter formation.

Ms Clarissa shared a story called 'Where the Wild Thing Are' by Maurice Sendak. The children enjoyed the story- it is available for children to borrow in the Library.

Afternoon Focus Groups
We continue to develop children's awareness of sounds and rhythms. The children make different sounds with parts of their body (feet, hands, knee, etc...) Sometimes, body percussion sounds and actions are made whilst children sing along to various nursery rhymes.

We have also been giving extra support to our EAL learners through building on their vocabulary and introducing some concepts. We have been focusing on shapes, colours, numbers, body parts, feelings, animals etc. The children are mastering these at their own pace.

How you can help at home
Please talk to your children about how they feel and why in English and/or your home language.
If your child enjoys mark making at home, please try to provide regular opportunities for them to
draw and write.  We would love to see their writing and drawing at school and will be desgnating an area to share their work from home.

-F2 will be holding an exhibition of our children's mark-making works in June and we are also hoping to go on a trip.  Details to follow soon.

Have a fantastic weekend!
Ms Precious