Friday 4 November 2016

Newsletter 4.11.16

What we have been doing this week in F2T:

What a busy week we've had in F2T as the children engage in various activities in the different learning areas.

To get the children talking and be confident in using English language, we've started our news groups this week. We've asked the children the following questions:
-Did you go to a shopping centre?
-Did you ride a bike?
-Did you go to the park with your family?
-Did you stay at home?
-Did you eat in a restaurant?
-Did you play with your friends/siblings?
-Did you swim?
-Did you go to a play place? (TiniWorld, KizCity)

All the teachers are pleased to see that most children are able to express themselves using simple sentences in English and some are beginning to repeat one to two English words.

In F2T, we always enjoy doing a variety of physical activities. We have now started using the big playground and the children had fun doing a running race, climbing on the dome and using the roundabout. They have been particularly good at following simple instructions.

For story time, we focused on the story We're Going On A  Bear Hunt. The children have been learning lots of new vocabulary such as grass, river, mud, forest, snowstorm, cave and a lot more! They also enjoyed doing the actions. They were brilliant at following simple actions. 

In the role-play area this week, the children continue to explore our 'Use Me' box. They are pretending to be doctors, dentists, community helpers or even just people at home like mum, dad, brothers and sisters. There are lots of wonderful conversations happening in role-play area as the children are getting more familiar with what they can do and what resources they can use. 

In F2T, we always want the children to be playing nicely with their friends, be caring and respectful of each other. This week, we continue to encourage them to play nicely/cooperatively with each other. They have been learning to take turns too especially that we have some new toys in the classroom. Most children have now realised the importance of going for good choices rather than poor choices. They have been learning these phrases and are also able to think for themselves in terms of doing the right things. Here are a few examples of good choices and poor choices:

How to support your child at home:
Learning new words
You might want to read the story We're Going On A Bear Hunt with your child over the weekend. It is always fun and exciting to learn new words. Here is a link to the video if you do not have the book: 
Health and Self-care
-At all times, we make sure that we wash our hands before every meal time. 
-We have been encouraging them to drink lots of water especially after playing in the Fundino playground and soft play room.
-When sneezing, children should remember to put their hands over their mouth. 
-We always use tissue to clean our nose. 
Please talk to your child/children about the importance of these.

A gentle reminder
“When to keep your child home
For the well being of our school community, if your child is unwell or sick overnight or when they wake in the morning they should be kept at home until they are rested and symptom free for at least 24 hours (48 hours for Diarrhoea).
Please keep your child at home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms;
·         persistent cough, heavy cold symptoms, or another common but contagious illness.
·         Your child has had any episode/s of vomiting/ diarrhoea in the previous 12-24 hours.
    • They should remain at home for at least 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting and at least 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea.
·         If they have a temperature greater than 37.7°C (99.8°F) when they first wake up in the morning. They can return to school when they have been fever free (without fever relieving medications) for at least 24 hours.”

Save the date!

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms Precious

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